The Corporate Glass Ceiling
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB019
Case Length : 12 Pages
Period : 1998 - 2001
Pub Date : 2002
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Varied
Industry : Varied
Countries : India, USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The Debate Continues
Notwithstanding the above arguments by feminist groups, some analysts argued
that no glass ceiling existed at all. According to them, women could not reach
top management positions only because most of them left their careers mid-way
due to personal reasons (like marriage and raising a family).
They said, in order to become a CEO, a woman executive would have to sacrifice
some aspects of her personal life. The top management posts demanded more
commitment and required about 80 hours of work per week. Thus women in such
positions would have to forgo their personal lives, which was not possible for
most women.
Moreover, women themselves left more demanding jobs for more flexible jobs,
which allowed them to spend more time with their families, particularly
their kids...
The Future
Though the glass ceiling in the developed countries seemed to have
broken only in selected industries like medicine, information
technology and financial services (Refer Exhibit V), this
development was less visible in the developing countries. Analysts
also felt that in the developing countries, especially in the Asian
region, it was the 'culture' that was primarily responsible for the
existence of a strong glass ceiling. The culture did not allow women
to work, and they were primarily entrusted with the job of
homemaking. Analysts opined that in countries including Korea and
India, marriage and male chauvinism had stopped women from building
their careers. |
In addition, the corporate organizations in these countries
did not seem to favour women. To avoid hitting the glass ceiling, some women
became entrepreneurs. In the US, the number of companies owned by women had
grown by 16% during 1992-97...
Exhibit I: J&J's 'Our Credo'
Exhibit II: Women Ceos in Global Corporations
Exhibit III: Indian Women in Top Management Positions
Exhibit IV: Organizational Structure of ICICI
Exhibit V: Representation of Women in Management, 2000